About Us

The Smart Citizen: Our Statement of Purpose

In 2013, we identified the need for considered cross-hemispherical case studies and proven practice in the urban governance space. Our online presence was registered on June 14, 2013 and officially launched on World Cities Day, October 31, 2014.

As an observatory, TheSmartCitizen.Org scans the horizon for the diamonds in the firmament of nations, regions and cities that have smart strategies and skillful tactics to share as liveable, sustainable and inclusive territories.

Our research reveals that the top three pre-occupations of local governments are tech-enablement of citizen services, change management and citizen engagement. Our coverage reflects the reality that top-down command complements bottom-up consent, that government initiative works best in synergy with citizen will.

To fund our independent and authoritative coverage of cities, we offer a range of services in partnership with talented independent professionals around the globe.

One of our key offerings is collaborative network development for multi-stakeholder social impact. We work from a systemic perspective, bringing together different stakeholders in a system to maximise leverage.

For more information, please contact info@thesmartcitizen.org