Technology Enablement

12 March 2014 | by Vineeta Shetty In a country where plentiful, pure and free water is considered a birthright, never has loss and demand management of precious H20 been more in demand. Of India’s 7315 cities, only 15% have water metering, and that too, in pockets. Despite mounting costs of delivering it, the price […]

Technology Enablement

18 December 2014 | by Vineeta Shetty In the second half of a 2-part article on vertical farming in the 2 city states, The Smart Citizen highlights the ecological vision for the Semi-Autonomous Region of Hong Kong. Before urban expansion ignited, Hong Kong generated over two-thirds of its own produce from local farms. In the […]

Technology Enablement

5 December 2014 | by Vineeta Shetty Food resiliency is a growing worry in the island nations of Hong Kong and Singapore. Lacking a rural hinterland, they depend heavily on imports for sustenance. Where once Hong Kong grew 70% of its own produce, its fabled rice terraces have been dug up for luxury flats and […]

Technology Enablement

Satellite Data and GIS help Ghana Improve Returns on its Infrastructure 12 June 2014 | by Vineeta Shetty In common with many emerging countries, Ghana faces a problem in the way public sector agencies manage existing infrastructure assets. Two years ago, with a view to update management practices and to plan for long-term infrastructure needs, […]